AAMDS is an acronym for Aplastic Anemia and MDS foundation and can be accessed at This organization is a gem for information on Aplastic Anemia and MDS. To my utter surprise they featured one of my articles in their February 2019 Newsletter! And yes – they included this picture of Sita and me!

Jane Biehl: Living With Fatigue
“A standard dictionary definition of fatigue, according to Medicine, is, ‘extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness.’ Fatigue can also be acute and come on suddenly or be chronic and persistent. This describes what many of us experience.”
MDS patient Jane Biehl began writing about her experiences and views on life as a MDS patient and survivor. In just over two years, she’s written over 50 articles. Many of these have been published in Cure magazine and she’s adding new ones all the time. This month, we present Jane’s article on experiencing and living with cancer fatigue.

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