i am so excited to be one of the cancer survivors chosen to be in the Gallery of Hope. We are building a new cancer center there and I have been involved with the Patient Advisory Committee making suggestions. They called me and asked me to be a part of this. First there was a picture in the local paper of each of us in a special edition. Then each of us was featured for one week! Here is the link.
Sita was so tired becsue we stayed overnight at Lakeside and drove back to have the [icture taken late at night. But she is so photogenic it did not make any difference!
I feel truly humbled because there are many people who have had it worse than I have. I have met so many great cancer survivors and counht them among my friends! One of the pluses of having this insidious disease! I also consider myself fortunate to be a part of the great Aultman Cancer Center and the people there who do special services like this one! They are the best!
Improving the Health of Our Community – One Gift at a Time
Aultman Salutes Cancer Survivors
Gallery of Hope
Courage, determination, strength and above all, hope – every cancer journey requires these heroic qualities, and every survivor has an incredible story to tell. We hope to nspire you with the courageous stories of our survivors as we share one Gallery of Hope story each week by email and Facebook.
#TFCCCenteredAroundYou #TFCCHope
This week, we would like to introduce you to Jane Biehl.
“My diagnosis is Myelodysplastic Syndrome, which is cancer of the bone marrow. I have been in treatment since 2010 with two different forms of chemo and recently Procrit shots. I have bone marrow biopsies every six months to track the cancer. When you hear the words, you have cancer, you instinctively know that life will never be the same. Make sure to surround yourself with friends, and tell them what you need, because no one can do this alone.
Growing up with a hearing loss has also shaped my life. It brought my sweet therapy dog, Sita, into my world. We all know how short life is, but it really confronts us with a cancer diagnosis. But, if you start worrying about the future, you waste precious time in the present. Life is short – seize every single minute.”
The Aultman Foundation raises and administers funds
that promote health education and wellness outreach programming
to improve the health of the community.
Together, we will improve the lives of neighbors in need.
The Aultman Foundation
2600 Sixth St. SW | Canton, Ohio 44710
330-363-4908 | erica.newman@aultman.org
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