It has been a while since I have written anything. Several strange things have happened since the last post.

I am still waiting (not patiently but impatiently for the new chemo Luspatercept to arrive. It has already been approved by the FDA – last November. It was to come out in February and now April. However, I do understand with the coronavirus concentration is being done in that are. It is just that the latest bone marrow biopsy showed the red blood cells are working at 40% capacity and the danger zone is 30%. The worst side effect many of you understand is fatigue and aching muscles – plus I climb stairs like an old lady! I am still going to the Cancer Center every week for shots to keep up my white blood count.

Sita had been doing very well other than some diarrhea. Then she got conjunctivitis in one eye. Now she is limping very badly and it is similar to the limp she had when she had her surgery three years ago. It is on the other side now and we think it is the cartilage again in the elbow. No one is doing surgery on a 15 1/2-year-old dog and I just ache for her. However, my veterinarian is working on some high dose pain medication for her.

Then came along the coronavirus! I pray for everyone all over the glove who is being affected by this terrible insidious disease. So far I am avoiding crowds but still going out some for dinner etc. Sita and I would go crazy otherwise!

On a more positive note, I was interviewed for an article for Heal magazine called Words Matter. Also, one of my articles was picked up for the top 5 stories in February titled Just Remember Not to Stop You can check out these you tubes on the video page!

I have finished writing the book Do you Have a Voice on my growing up with hearing loss and work with the deaf. I am now editing which is slow and painstaking but I am so excited!

Please, everyone, wash your hands, avoid crowds and stay safe! I love you all!

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