Usually, I would be writing a more positive note and title when an exciting new year is ahead of us. But 2022 just isn’t like that! We went through 2020 when our entire world was shattered by lockdowns, school, and businesses closing, job losses, wearing of masks, social distancing, unable to see loved ones, and constant fear of losing loved ones or becoming ill ourselves. I think many of us in the U.S. felt with our medical resources we wouldn’t suffer from a pandemic as much as the rest of the world. We had an elitist view or at least I did. But the problem with a pandemic is there is no discrimination. It hurts poor people, rich people, and those in between, although resources were more readily available to some than others. We watched in horror as one after another of us fell victim to this horrible COVID.

We also saw a political divide in this country like we had not experienced since the Civil War. The wearing of masks, the closing down of business and the ensuing toll on our economy caused groups to claim their individual freedoms were being taken away, while others felt that it is our responsibility to protect ourselves and others. The nation and the world became sharply divided. We prayed for a vaccine and a much better 2021. Our amazing scientists worked 24/7 to produce one vaccine after another and many people lined up to get it. What we did not bargain for were people to be afraid and refuse to obtain it. Variants began to rear their ugly head like a serpent whose head is cut off. As soon as one type of COVID was disappearing, another one would appear in its place.

2021 whizzed by and now we are in 2022. We are still fearful because the most contagious variant of all, Omicron, is out there. Once again schools are closing, remote learning is occurring and people are not going back to offices to work. This horrible Omicron has filled hospital beds to overflowing and the medical staff and front lines are burned out and quitting in droves.

This year I do not see the hope, the anticipation, the waiting for a new year. I love the picture of the old man exiting and the new baby coming in which signifies the beginning of another year. Instead, I see despair and a world full of people who are very tired. I do not know one person who hasn’t been affected by all of these insidious changes.

This, my friends, is where the church becomes more important than ever. Whether we watch online, go in person, or Zoom together we continue to watch out for each other. We still reach out by mail, email, phone calls, and texts. We still find a bowl of soup or meal to surprise us outside our doors. The church means more to us than ever and we need to grab it. In my Holiday letter, I talked about the three most important things in the world being Faith and Family and Friends. The church provides all three of these. We still have hope and sometimes it becomes extinguished, but then it burns brighter than ever. We know we need to take it day by day and have that faith. Jesus reminds us of this over 2000 years ago.

31 Therefore, don’t worry and say, ‘What are we going to eat?’ or ‘What are we going to drink?’ or ‘What are we going to wear?’ 32 Gentiles long for all these things. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 Instead, desire first and foremost God’s kingdom and God’s righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore, stop worrying about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Matthew 6, 31-34 (CEB)

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