I want to apologize for not posting for so long but have two reasons. One is that I contracted a nasty viral and was coughing my head off for over a month. It switched back and forth from viral to bacterial and finally seems to have run its course. The weather changes here in Ohio were not much help, plus with my low white blood count, I am catching anything that decided to fly by! I finally feel human again!

The second reason is I have been working nonstop on my book! I have the first draft typed and now am revising and revising. It is around 100,00 words and all on my own life and that of others who are deaf and hard of hearing. More to come later.

Between all of this, I have taken some overnight and weekends to places like Mohican State Lodge and Lakeside to enjoy the gorgeous fall in Ohio. I am an October baby, and this must be why it is my favorite time of year!

I wanted to share a great story about Sita. I went to a restaurant recently where we go frequently. The manager told me that she is so well behaved that she has taught him about what a real service dog is like. He now spots the fake ones because they do not behave as well! What a compliment and at age 15 she is still serving in more ways than one! I have attached a picture of her at Mohican with me.

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